Inline & Shedrow Barns

The Inline barn design is an excellent choice for warm weather climates and in areas where space is limited. This versatile barn is available with a 2’, 10’ or 14’ overhang. With the overhang option, you still have protection for your horse, with plenty of working area around your barn. Check out our Shedrow barn floor plans.
All Inline barns feature spacious 12' x 12' stalls with grilled stall fronts, solid feed doors and grilled sliding stall front doors. Stall interiors are laminated with 26-gauge zincalume steel. The 26-gauge steel roofs are available in a variety of colors. Standard exteriors are finished in 26 gauge embossed painted steel. Barns can be custom fitted and accessorized to fit your needs beyond the already fully functional standard components.
The Shedrow Barn design offers an economical way to meet your barn needs. This barn style is an excellent choice for warm weather climates guaranteeing maximum ventilation while still offering protection from the weather with overhangs ranging from 2' to 14'.
The Shedrow Barn is available in many configurations to suit your property requirements and maximize your barn’s work area. Configurations include in-line, back-to-back, U-shaped, L-shaped or H-shaped.
Popular add-on features for Shedrow barns include rear solid sliding doors, rear porches, corner poly feed tubs and galvanized hay rack accessories.